Attribute: Natural, Role: Skill-type
Rotation Effect: 2 less notes needed to rotate againAppeal | Stam. | Tech. | |
Lv. 1 | 1548 | 1150 | 1725 20.17% |
Lv. 80 | 2581 | 1917 | 2876 23.62% |
★ 0 | 5883 | 4362 | 6550 34.65% |
★ 1 | 6270 | 4936 | 7843 38.52% |
★ 2 | 7431 | 5797 | 8274 39.82% |
★ 3 | 8979 | 6371 | 9136 42.40% |
★ 4 | 9753 | 6945 | 10860 47.58% |
★ 5 | 10530 | 7822 | 11734 50.20% |
Rows with ★ include idolization bonus, and all tree unlocks up to that limit break level. Passive skill effects are not applied to table values. Show All Limit Breaks
Let's Have A Blast Together!
33% chance: Restore 20%..32% of this card's technique as stamina
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 20% | 23% | 26% | 29% | 32% |
Technique+ :Same Attribute
Base technique up by 4%..5.2%
Applies to: Natural cards
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 4% | 4.3% | 4.6% | 4.9% | 5.2% |
Critical+ :On Song Start/All
When live starts: Increase voltage gain from critical notes by 1.2%
Applies to: Everyone
+ 3 unlockable skill slots
Attribute: Cool, Role: Voltage-type
Rotation Effect: Add 5% of appeal to voltageAppeal | Stam. | Tech. | |
Lv. 1 | 2121 | 1138 | 1914 5.74% |
Lv. 80 | 3536 | 1897 | 3191 9.57% |
★ 0 | 8054 | 4316 | 7274 21.82% |
★ 1 | 9114 | 4600 | 8708 26.12% |
★ 2 | 10704 | 5452 | 9186 27.55% |
★ 3 | 11764 | 6588 | 10142 30.42% |
★ 4 | 12824 | 7156 | 12054 36.16% |
★ 5 | 14426 | 7740 | 13019 39.05% |
Rows with ★ include idolization bonus, and all tree unlocks up to that limit break level. Passive skill effects are not applied to table values. Show All Limit Breaks
Zoooooom! Just Kidding
33% chance: Buff. Voltage gain up by 6%..7.2% for 5 notes
Applies to: Aqours members
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 6% | 6.3% | 6.6% | 6.9% | 7.2% |
Appeal+ :All
Base appeal up by 3%..4.2%
Applies to: Everyone
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 3% | 3.3% | 3.6% | 3.9% | 4.2% |
Voltage Up :On Song Start/Same Attribute
When live starts: Buff. Voltage gain up by 2%
Applies to: Cool cards
+ 3 unlockable skill slots
Attribute: Active, Role: Guard-type
Rotation Effect: Restore 15% of staminaAppeal | Stam. | Tech. | |
Lv. 1 | 1345 | 2225 | 1604 4.81% |
Lv. 80 | 2242 | 3708 | 2673 8.01% |
★ 0 | 5109 | 8444 | 6090 18.27% |
★ 1 | 6117 | 9556 | 6491 19.47% |
★ 2 | 6453 | 11224 | 7694 23.08% |
★ 3 | 7125 | 12336 | 9298 27.89% |
★ 4 | 8469 | 13448 | 10100 30.30% |
★ 5 | 9148 | 15129 | 10906 32.71% |
Rows with ★ include idolization bonus, and all tree unlocks up to that limit break level. Passive skill effects are not applied to table values. Show All Limit Breaks
Okay! Let's Get Hyped!
33% chance: Add 20%..32% of this card's stamina to shield points
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 20% | 23% | 26% | 29% | 32% |
Stamina+ :Same Attribute
Base stamina up by 4%..5.2%
Applies to: Active cards
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 4% | 4.3% | 4.6% | 4.9% | 5.2% |
Stamina Restored :On SP Skill Use
50% chance on SP burst: Restore 20% of this card's stamina
+ 3 unlockable skill slots
Attribute: Cool, Role: Voltage-type
Rotation Effect: Add 5% of appeal to voltageAppeal | Stam. | Tech. | |
Lv. 1 | 1772 | 1097 | 1350 4.05% |
Lv. 60 | 2658 | 1645 | 2025 6.07% |
★ 0 | 5315 | 3284 | 4050 12.15% |
★ 1 | 6059 | 3744 | 4616 13.84% |
★ 2 | 6803 | 4204 | 5182 15.54% |
★ 3 | 7175 | 4664 | 5748 17.24% |
★ 4 | 7919 | 4894 | 6597 19.79% |
★ 5 | 9037 | 5593 | 6885 20.65% |
Rows with ★ include idolization bonus, and all tree unlocks up to that limit break level. Passive skill effects are not applied to table values. Show All Limit Breaks
The Fire Inside Me
30% chance: Buff. Voltage gain up by 4%..5.2% for 5 notes
Applies to: Cool cards
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 4% | 4.3% | 4.6% | 4.9% | 5.2% |
Appeal+ :Same Attribute
Base appeal up by 2%..3.2%
Applies to: Cool cards
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 2% | 2.3% | 2.6% | 2.9% | 3.2% |
Appeal Up :During AC/Same Attribute
When Appeal Chance starts: Buff. Increase effective appeal by 3.8% for 5 notes
Applies to: Cool cards
+ 3 unlockable skill slots
Attribute: Elegant, Role: SP-type
Rotation Effect: Add 300 to SP gaugeAppeal | Stam. | Tech. | |
Lv. 1 | 1122 | 1013 | 1484 19.45% |
Lv. 60 | 1683 | 1520 | 2226 21.67% |
★ 0 | 3365 | 3031 | 4444 28.33% |
★ 1 | 3835 | 3455 | 5066 30.19% |
★ 2 | 4305 | 3879 | 5688 32.06% |
★ 3 | 4775 | 4303 | 5999 32.99% |
★ 4 | 5010 | 4939 | 6621 34.86% |
★ 5 | 5722 | 5168 | 7568 37.70% |
Rows with ★ include idolization bonus, and all tree unlocks up to that limit break level. Passive skill effects are not applied to table values. Show All Limit Breaks
The Desired Moment
30% chance: Buff. Increase SP gauge fill rate by 6.4%..7.6% for 3 notes
Applies to: This card's strategy
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 6.4% | 6.7% | 7% | 7.3% | 7.6% |
Base technique up by 5%..7%
Applies to: Just this card
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 5% | 5.5% | 6% | 6.5% | 7% |
SP Gauge Gained :AC Success
50% chance after passing an Appeal Chance: Add 2% of this card's technique to SP gauge
+ 3 unlockable skill slots
Attribute: Smile, Role: Guard-type
Rotation Effect: Restore 15% of staminaAppeal | Stam. | Tech. | |
Lv. 1 | 1049 | 1448 | 1122 3.36% |
Lv. 60 | 1574 | 2172 | 1683 5.04% |
★ 0 | 3138 | 4336 | 3365 10.09% |
★ 1 | 3578 | 4944 | 3835 11.50% |
★ 2 | 4018 | 5552 | 4305 12.91% |
★ 3 | 4458 | 5856 | 4775 14.32% |
★ 4 | 5118 | 6464 | 5010 15.03% |
★ 5 | 5351 | 7384 | 5722 17.16% |
Rows with ★ include idolization bonus, and all tree unlocks up to that limit break level. Passive skill effects are not applied to table values. Show All Limit Breaks
Telling Group Tales
30% chance: Restore 20%..32% of this card's stamina
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 20% | 23% | 26% | 29% | 32% |
Stamina+ :Same School
Base stamina up by 2%..3.2%
Applies to: Nijigasaki members
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 2% | 2.3% | 2.6% | 2.9% | 3.2% |
Stamina Restored :AC Start
When Appeal Chance starts: Restore 4.5% of this card's stamina
+ 3 unlockable skill slots