Today is Emma's birthday (02/05). Happy birthday!
Attribute: Natural, Role: Guard-type
Rotation Effect: Restore 15% of staminaAppeal | Stam. | Tech. | |
Lv. 1 | 1074 | 1592 | 1313 3.93% |
Lv. 60 | 1611 | 2388 | 1970 5.91% |
★ 0 | 3218 | 4767 | 3931 11.79% |
★ 1 | 3668 | 5435 | 4481 13.44% |
★ 2 | 4118 | 6103 | 5031 15.09% |
★ 3 | 4568 | 6437 | 5581 16.74% |
★ 4 | 5243 | 7105 | 5856 17.56% |
★ 5 | 5478 | 8119 | 6697 20.09% |
Rows with ★ include idolization bonus, and all tree unlocks up to that limit break level. Passive skill effects are not applied to table values. Show All Limit Breaks
30% chance: Restore 20%..32% of this card's stamina
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 20% | 23% | 26% | 29% | 32% |
スタミナ+ :同作戦
Base stamina up by 3%..5%
Applies to: This card's strategy
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 3% | 3.5% | 4% | 4.5% | 5% |
効果解除 :SP特技発動時/全員
50% chance on SP burst: Remove all debuffs
Applies to: Everyone
+ 3 unlockable skill slots