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Attribute: Cool, Role: Skill-type
Rotation Effect: 2 less notes needed to rotate againAppeal | Stam. | Tech. | |
Lv. 1 | 1803 | 975 | 2096 21.28% |
Lv. 80 | 3006 | 1625 | 3493 25.47% |
★ 0 | 6846 | 3699 | 7960 38.88% |
★ 1 | 7296 | 4185 | 9532 43.59% |
★ 2 | 8646 | 4914 | 10056 45.16% |
★ 3 | 10446 | 5400 | 11104 48.31% |
★ 4 | 11346 | 5886 | 13200 54.60% |
★ 5 | 12264 | 6630 | 14252 57.75% |
Rows with ★ include idolization bonus, and all tree unlocks up to that limit break level. Passive skill effects are not applied to table values. Show All Limit Breaks
11% chance: Fill SP gauge by 10%..12%
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 10% | 10.5% | 11% | 11.5% | 12% |
アピール+ :同属性
Base appeal up by 4%..5.2%
Applies to: Cool cards
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 4% | 4.3% | 4.6% | 4.9% | 5.2% |
特技発動率UP :AC時
When Appeal Chance starts: Buff. Increase skill activation rate by 20% until Appeal Chance ends
Applies to: Just this card
+ 4 unlockable skill slots
Attribute: Pure, Role: Skill-type
Rotation Effect: 2 less notes needed to rotate againAppeal | Stam. | Tech. | |
Lv. 1 | 1701 | 945 | 2079 21.23% |
Lv. 80 | 2835 | 1575 | 3465 25.39% |
★ 0 | 8587 | 4761 | 10492 46.47% |
★ 1 | 9579 | 5311 | 11098 48.29% |
★ 2 | 10075 | 5311 | 11704 50.11% |
★ 3 | 10075 | 5586 | 12310 51.93% |
★ 4 | 10571 | 5861 | 12916 53.74% |
★ 5 | 11566 | 6426 | 14137 57.41% |
Rows with ★ include idolization bonus, and all tree unlocks up to that limit break level. Passive skill effects are not applied to table values. Show All Limit Breaks
33% chance: Restore 20%..32% of this card's technique as stamina
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 20% | 23% | 26% | 29% | 32% |
アピール++ :同属性
Base appeal up by 5.3%..6.5%
Applies to: Pure cards
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
① | 5.3% | 5.5% | 5.7% | 5.9% | 6.1% | 6.3% | 6.5% |
特技発動率UP :SP特技発動時/同属性
On SP burst: Buff. Increase skill activation rate by 10% for 3 notes
Applies to: Pure cards
+ 4 unlockable skill slots
Attribute: Pure, Role: Voltage-type
Rotation Effect: Add 5% of appeal to voltageAppeal | Stam. | Tech. | |
Lv. 1 | 2142 | 1173 | 1785 5.35% |
Lv. 80 | 3570 | 1955 | 2975 8.92% |
★ 0 | 8139 | 4451 | 6777 20.33% |
★ 1 | 9209 | 4744 | 8115 24.34% |
★ 2 | 10814 | 5623 | 8561 25.68% |
★ 3 | 11884 | 6795 | 9453 28.35% |
★ 4 | 12954 | 7381 | 11237 33.71% |
★ 5 | 14565 | 7976 | 12138 36.41% |
Rows with ★ include idolization bonus, and all tree unlocks up to that limit break level. Passive skill effects are not applied to table values. Show All Limit Breaks
33% chance: Add 30%..42% of this card's appeal to voltage
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 30% | 33% | 36% | 39% | 42% |
アピール&テクニック+ :同作戦
① Base appeal up by 5%..7% ② Base technique up by 1.5%..3.5%
Applies to: This card's strategy
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 5% | 5.5% | 6% | 6.5% | 7% |
② | 1.5% | 2% | 2.5% | 3% | 3.5% |
アピールUP :アピール時/同作戦
50% chance on tap (this card's turn): Buff. Increase effective appeal by 5% for 3 notes
Applies to: This card's strategy
+ 4 unlockable skill slots
Attribute: Smile, Role: Skill-type
Rotation Effect: 2 less notes needed to rotate againAppeal | Stam. | Tech. | |
Lv. 1 | 1606 | 1228 | 1890 20.67% |
Lv. 80 | 2677 | 2047 | 3150 24.45% |
★ 0 | 6095 | 4658 | 7182 36.54% |
★ 1 | 6496 | 5272 | 8598 40.79% |
★ 2 | 7699 | 6193 | 9070 42.21% |
★ 3 | 9303 | 6807 | 10014 45.04% |
★ 4 | 10105 | 7421 | 11902 50.70% |
★ 5 | 10923 | 8352 | 12852 53.55% |
Rows with ★ include idolization bonus, and all tree unlocks up to that limit break level. Passive skill effects are not applied to table values. Show All Limit Breaks
33% chance: Restore 28%..40% of this card's technique as stamina
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 28% | 31% | 34% | 37% | 40% |
アピール+ :同作戦
Base appeal up by 5%..7%
Applies to: This card's strategy
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 5% | 5.5% | 6% | 6.5% | 7% |
アピール+ :曲開始時/同作戦
When live starts: Increase base appeal by 2.5%
Applies to: This card's strategy
+ 4 unlockable skill slots
Attribute: Pure, Role: Voltage-type
Rotation Effect: Add 5% of appeal to voltageAppeal | Stam. | Tech. | |
Lv. 1 | 2128 | 841 | 1980 5.94% |
Lv. 80 | 3547 | 1402 | 3300 9.90% |
★ 0 | 8078 | 3194 | 7524 22.57% |
★ 1 | 9142 | 3404 | 9009 27.02% |
★ 2 | 10738 | 4034 | 9504 28.51% |
★ 3 | 11802 | 4874 | 10494 31.48% |
★ 4 | 12866 | 5294 | 12474 37.42% |
★ 5 | 14472 | 5721 | 13464 40.39% |
Rows with ★ include idolization bonus, and all tree unlocks up to that limit break level. Passive skill effects are not applied to table values. Show All Limit Breaks
33% chance: Add 30%..42% of this card's appeal to voltage
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 30% | 33% | 36% | 39% | 42% |
アピール&テクニック+ :同作戦
① Base appeal up by 5%..7% ② Base technique up by 1.5%..3.5%
Applies to: This card's strategy
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 5% | 5.5% | 6% | 6.5% | 7% |
② | 1.5% | 2% | 2.5% | 3% | 3.5% |
ボルテージ獲得 :アピール時
50% chance on tap (this card's turn): Add 15% of this card's appeal to voltage
+ 4 unlockable skill slots
Attribute: Cool, Role: SP-type
Rotation Effect: Add 300 to SP gaugeAppeal | Stam. | Tech. | |
Lv. 1 | 1938 | 918 | 2244 21.73% |
Lv. 80 | 3230 | 1530 | 3740 26.22% |
★ 0 | 7364 | 3488 | 8527 40.58% |
★ 1 | 7848 | 4175 | 9649 43.94% |
★ 2 | 9300 | 4404 | 11332 48.99% |
★ 3 | 11236 | 4862 | 12454 52.36% |
★ 4 | 12204 | 5778 | 13576 55.72% |
★ 5 | 13178 | 6242 | 15259 60.77% |
Rows with ★ include idolization bonus, and all tree unlocks up to that limit break level. Passive skill effects are not applied to table values. Show All Limit Breaks
33% chance: Fill SP gauge by 7%..9%
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 7% | 7.5% | 8% | 8.5% | 9% |
アピール+ :同作戦
Base appeal up by 5%..7%
Applies to: This card's strategy
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 5% | 5.5% | 6% | 6.5% | 7% |
SP特技オーバーチャージ&SP特技UPEX :属性一致時
When live starts (if song attribute matches this card's): ① Allow SP gauge to be charged to 200% ② Increase voltage gain from SP burst by up to 30%, based on extra SP
+ 4 unlockable skill slots
Attribute: Smile, Role: SP-type
Rotation Effect: Add 300 to SP gaugeAppeal | Stam. | Tech. | |
Lv. 1 | 1950 | 877 | 2047 21.14% |
Lv. 80 | 3250 | 1462 | 3412 25.23% |
★ 0 | 7410 | 3331 | 7777 38.33% |
★ 1 | 7897 | 3988 | 8799 41.39% |
★ 2 | 9358 | 4207 | 10332 45.99% |
★ 3 | 11306 | 4645 | 11354 49.06% |
★ 4 | 12280 | 5521 | 12376 52.12% |
★ 5 | 13260 | 5966 | 13922 56.76% |
Rows with ★ include idolization bonus, and all tree unlocks up to that limit break level. Passive skill effects are not applied to table values. Show All Limit Breaks
33% chance: Fill SP gauge by 7%..9%
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 7% | 7.5% | 8% | 8.5% | 9% |
アピール&テクニック++ :同属性
① Base appeal up by 4.5%..6.5% ② Base technique up by 2%..3.2%
Applies to: Smile cards
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 4.5% | 5% | 5.5% | 6% | 6.5% |
② | 2% | 2.3% | 2.6% | 2.9% | 3.2% |
SPゲージ獲得 :作戦切替時
30% chance on strategy switch: Add 800 to SP gauge
+ 4 unlockable skill slots
Attribute: Active, Role: SP-type
Rotation Effect: Add 300 to SP gaugeAppeal | Stam. | Tech. | |
Lv. 1 | 2040 | 918 | 2142 21.42% |
Lv. 80 | 3400 | 1530 | 3570 25.71% |
★ 0 | 7752 | 3488 | 8139 39.41% |
★ 1 | 8262 | 4175 | 9209 42.62% |
★ 2 | 9792 | 4404 | 10814 47.44% |
★ 3 | 11832 | 4862 | 11884 50.65% |
★ 4 | 12852 | 5778 | 12954 53.86% |
★ 5 | 13872 | 6242 | 14565 58.69% |
Rows with ★ include idolization bonus, and all tree unlocks up to that limit break level. Passive skill effects are not applied to table values. Show All Limit Breaks
33% chance: Fill SP gauge by 7%..9%
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 7% | 7.5% | 8% | 8.5% | 9% |
アピール&テクニック+ :同属性
① Base appeal up by 4%..5.2% ② Base technique up by 1.4%..2.6%
Applies to: Active cards
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 4% | 4.3% | 4.6% | 4.9% | 5.2% |
② | 1.4% | 1.7% | 2% | 2.3% | 2.6% |
SP特技UP :SP特技発動時
On SP burst (only 10 times per live): Buff. Increase voltage gain from SP burst by 30% of this card's appeal on the next SP burst
+ 4 unlockable skill slots
Attribute: Elegant, Role: SP-type
Rotation Effect: Add 300 to SP gaugeAppeal | Stam. | Tech. | |
Lv. 1 | 1831 | 990 | 2128 21.38% |
Lv. 80 | 3052 | 1650 | 3547 25.64% |
★ 0 | 9236 | 4986 | 10742 47.22% |
★ 1 | 10304 | 5274 | 11982 50.94% |
★ 2 | 10838 | 5562 | 11982 50.94% |
★ 3 | 10838 | 5850 | 12602 52.80% |
★ 4 | 11372 | 6138 | 13222 54.66% |
★ 5 | 12453 | 6732 | 14472 58.41% |
Rows with ★ include idolization bonus, and all tree unlocks up to that limit break level. Passive skill effects are not applied to table values. Show All Limit Breaks
33% chance: Fill SP gauge by 7%..9%
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 7% | 7.5% | 8% | 8.5% | 9% |
アピール&テクニック++ :同属性
① Base appeal up by 4.7%..6.5% ② Base technique up by 1.4%..3.2%
Applies to: Elegant cards
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
① | 4.7% | 5% | 5.3% | 5.6% | 5.9% | 6.2% | 6.5% |
② | 1.4% | 1.7% | 2% | 2.3% | 2.6% | 2.9% | 3.2% |
ボルテージ獲得 :SP特技発動時
On SP burst (only 20 times per live): Add 30% of this card's technique to voltage
+ 4 unlockable skill slots
Attribute: Elegant, Role: Voltage-type
Rotation Effect: Add 5% of appeal to voltageAppeal | Stam. | Tech. | |
Lv. 1 | 2110 | 1256 | 1658 4.97% |
Lv. 80 | 3517 | 2093 | 2763 8.28% |
★ 0 | 10656 | 6328 | 8366 25.09% |
★ 1 | 11886 | 7060 | 8849 26.54% |
★ 2 | 11886 | 7426 | 9332 27.99% |
★ 3 | 12501 | 7426 | 9815 29.44% |
★ 4 | 13116 | 7792 | 10298 30.89% |
★ 5 | 14350 | 8540 | 11274 33.82% |
Rows with ★ include idolization bonus, and all tree unlocks up to that limit break level. Passive skill effects are not applied to table values. Show All Limit Breaks
11% chance: ① Buff. Increase effective appeal by 10%..12% for 3 notes ② Add 33%..45% of this card's appeal to voltage
Applies to: Elegant cards
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 10% | 10.5% | 11% | 11.5% | 12% |
② | 33% | 36% | 39% | 42% | 45% |
アピール&テクニック++ :全員
① Base appeal up by 3.4%..5.2% ② Base technique up by 1.7%..2.6%
Applies to: Everyone
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
① | 3.4% | 3.7% | 4% | 4.3% | 4.6% | 4.9% | 5.2% |
② | 1.7% | 1.85% | 2% | 2.15% | 2.3% | 2.45% | 2.6% |
クリティカル値UP :AC時
50% chance when Appeal Chance starts: Buff. Increase voltage gain for critical notes by 10% until Appeal Chance ends
Applies to: Elegant cards
+ 4 unlockable skill slots