Today is Emma's birthday (02/05). Happy birthday!
Attribute: Active, Role: Guard-type
Rotation Effect: Restore 15% of staminaAppeal | Stam. | Tech. | |
Lv. 1 | 1068 | 1495 | 996 2.98% |
Lv. 60 | 1602 | 2242 | 1495 4.48% |
★ 0 | 3308 | 4631 | 3084 9.25% |
★ 1 | 3734 | 5229 | 3482 10.44% |
★ 2 | 4160 | 5827 | 3880 11.64% |
★ 3 | 4586 | 6126 | 4278 12.83% |
★ 4 | 5225 | 6724 | 4477 13.43% |
★ 5 | 5446 | 7623 | 5082 15.24% |
Rows with ★ include idolization bonus, and all tree unlocks up to that limit break level. Passive skill effects are not applied to table values. Show All Limit Breaks
30% chance: Add 15%..27% of this card's stamina to shield points
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 15% | 18% | 21% | 24% | 27% |
スタミナ+ :同属性
Base stamina up by 2%..3.2%
Applies to: Active cards
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 2% | 2.3% | 2.6% | 2.9% | 3.2% |
シールド獲得 :AC時
When Appeal Chance starts: Add 2.4% of this card's stamina to shield points
+ 3 unlockable skill slots