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Attribute: Cool, Role: SP-type
Rotation Effect: Add 300 to SP gaugeAppeal | Stam. | Tech. | |
Lv. 1 | 1456 | 832 | 1872 20.61% |
Lv. 60 | 2184 | 1248 | 2808 23.42% |
★ 0 | 4359 | 2491 | 5615 31.84% |
★ 1 | 4969 | 2839 | 6401 34.20% |
★ 2 | 5579 | 3187 | 7187 36.56% |
★ 3 | 6189 | 3535 | 7580 37.74% |
★ 4 | 6494 | 4057 | 8366 40.09% |
★ 5 | 7425 | 4243 | 9547 43.64% |
Rows with ★ include idolization bonus, and all tree unlocks up to that limit break level. Passive skill effects are not applied to table values. Show All Limit Breaks
30% chance: Fill SP gauge by 5%..7%
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 5% | 5.5% | 6% | 6.5% | 7% |
Base technique up by 5%..7%
Applies to: Just this card
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 5% | 5.5% | 6% | 6.5% | 7% |
SP特技UP :SP特技発動時
On SP burst (only 2 times per live): Buff. Increase voltage gain from SP burst by 8.6% of this card's technique on the next SP burst
Applies to: Everyone
+ 3 unlockable skill slots
Attribute: Smile, Role: Voltage-type
Rotation Effect: Add 5% of appeal to voltageAppeal | Stam. | Tech. | |
Lv. 1 | 1830 | 873 | 1456 4.36% |
Lv. 60 | 2745 | 1310 | 2184 6.55% |
★ 0 | 5488 | 2617 | 4359 13.07% |
★ 1 | 6256 | 2983 | 4969 14.90% |
★ 2 | 7024 | 3349 | 5579 16.73% |
★ 3 | 7408 | 3715 | 6189 18.56% |
★ 4 | 8176 | 3898 | 7104 21.31% |
★ 5 | 9333 | 4454 | 7425 22.27% |
Rows with ★ include idolization bonus, and all tree unlocks up to that limit break level. Passive skill effects are not applied to table values. Show All Limit Breaks
30% chance: Add 25%..37% of this card's appeal to voltage
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 25% | 28% | 31% | 34% | 37% |
アピール+ :同学校
Base appeal up by 2%..3.2%
Applies to: Nijigasaki members
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 2% | 2.3% | 2.6% | 2.9% | 3.2% |
アピール+ :曲開始時/同学校
When live starts: Increase base appeal by 1%
Applies to: Nijigasaki members
+ 3 unlockable skill slots
Attribute: Smile, Role: Guard-type
Rotation Effect: Restore 15% of staminaAppeal | Stam. | Tech. | |
Lv. 1 | 1914 | 2173 | 1086 3.25% |
Lv. 80 | 3191 | 3622 | 1811 5.43% |
★ 0 | 7274 | 8255 | 4127 12.38% |
★ 1 | 8708 | 9341 | 4398 13.19% |
★ 2 | 9186 | 10970 | 5211 15.63% |
★ 3 | 10142 | 12056 | 6295 18.88% |
★ 4 | 12054 | 13142 | 6837 20.51% |
★ 5 | 13019 | 14778 | 7388 22.16% |
Rows with ★ include idolization bonus, and all tree unlocks up to that limit break level. Passive skill effects are not applied to table values. Show All Limit Breaks
33% chance: Add 28%..40% of this card's stamina to shield points
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 28% | 31% | 34% | 37% | 40% |
スタミナ+ :タイプ
Base stamina up by 7.3%..9.3%
Applies to: Guard-type cards
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 7.3% | 7.8% | 8.3% | 8.8% | 9.3% |
ボルテージ獲得 :ダメージ時
30% chance when taking damage (1000 or more): Add 10% of this card's stamina to voltage
+ 4 unlockable skill slots
Attribute: Pure, Role: Skill-type
Rotation Effect: 2 less notes needed to rotate againAppeal | Stam. | Tech. | |
Lv. 1 | 2040 | 969 | 2091 21.27% |
Lv. 80 | 3400 | 1615 | 3485 25.45% |
★ 0 | 7752 | 3676 | 7939 38.81% |
★ 1 | 8262 | 4160 | 9505 43.51% |
★ 2 | 9792 | 4886 | 10027 45.08% |
★ 3 | 11832 | 5370 | 11071 48.21% |
★ 4 | 12852 | 5854 | 13159 54.47% |
★ 5 | 13872 | 6589 | 14218 57.65% |
Rows with ★ include idolization bonus, and all tree unlocks up to that limit break level. Passive skill effects are not applied to table values. Show All Limit Breaks
33% chance: ① Buff. Increase voltage gain for critical notes by 11%..15% for 5 notes ② Buff. Increase critical rate by 3%..5% for 5 notes
Applies to: This card's strategy
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 11% | 12% | 13% | 14% | 15% |
② | 3% | 3.5% | 4% | 4.5% | 5% |
アピール&テクニック+ :同作戦
① Base appeal up by 1.5%..3.5% ② Base technique up by 5%..7%
Applies to: This card's strategy
Lv. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
① | 1.5% | 2% | 2.5% | 3% | 3.5% |
② | 5% | 5.5% | 6% | 6.5% | 7% |
クリティカル時ボルテージ上限解放 :曲開始時
When live starts: Raise tap voltage limit for critical notes by 15%
Applies to: Just this card
+ 4 unlockable skill slots